With great pleasure, we welcome you to the international conference on “Corporate Governance, Sustainability & Diversity: Moving Forward”, which will take place on Friday, January 24, 2025, at Megaron Athens Concert Hall.
In a rapidly evolving world, the concepts of corporate governance, sustainability, inclusion and diversity are emerging as central pillars for business growth and competitiveness. The Hellenic Capital Market Commission, through its regulatory oversight, aims to ensure investor protection and the orderly and efficient operation of the capital market, which is crucial for the growth of the national economy, including robust corporate governance and sustainable growth in the Greek financial sector.
Acknowledging the complexity of the challenges facing businesses today, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC), and SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, a social partner, and the principal advocate for business in Greece, with more than 4,000 direct and indirect members representing about 50% of the country's economic activity, are joining forces to offer a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience, ideas and good practices that will shape the future of entrepreneurship in Greece and internationally.
With the participation of distinguished speakers, representatives of international organizations, government agencies, businesses and the academic community, we aspire for this event to become a milestone in highlighting the key issues related to ESG compliance, women's empowerment, inclusion and respect for diversity
For Greek businesses, we hope that the Conference will be a source of inspiration and a tool for sustainable development, providing the knowledge and strategies needed to move forward, strengthening their position in an ever-changing world.
With warm wishes for a productive and constructive participation.
Vassiliki Lazarakou Chair, HCMC /Board Member, ESMA/ Board Member, IOSCO/ Member, Bureau of OECD Corporate Governance Committee/ Chair, IOSCO Diversity Network
Rania Ekaterinari President, Executive Committee & Vice-Chair of the Board, SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises / Independent board member ElvalHalcor, Motor Oil Group, HEDNO