Multilateral Memoranda of Understanding


Multilateral Μemoranda of Understanding

The purpose of the Memoranda of Understanding is to establish and implement a procedure for mutual assistance between the supervisory authorities, in order to enhance the performance of the functions they are entrusted with in the field of the securities markets. Through these Memoranda, the supervisory authorities can exchange useful confidential information, with the aim of ensuring the compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force. The Memoranda of Understanding between the supervisory authorities also constitute a first step in the establishment and further improvement of the relations among countries at the level of the capital markets, as they facilitate the international co-operation of the stock exchanges, companies and other agents of the capital market. In the context of the new European architecture for the supervision of financial markets, Memoranda of Understanding play a key role, since they are instrumental in the move towards the single supervision of the European market.


In the framework of the increase of its international relations, up to the present the Hellenic Capital Market Commission has signed the following bilateral and Multilateral Memoranda of Understanding:


  • Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding among the members of FESCO (26 January 1999),