Money Laundering



- L. 4557/2018 (Government Gazette A' 139/30-7-2018) "Prevention and suppression of the legalisation of proceeds of crime and terrorist financing (incorporation of Directive 2015/849/EU) and other provisions"

- L. 3691/2008 (Government Gazette A' 166/5-8-2008) "Prevention and suppression of money laundering and terrorist financing and other provisions"


Decisions - Hellenic Capital Market Commission

-5/898/3.12.2020 (Government Gazette B' 5744/28.12.2020) "Establishment of a register of providers of exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies and a register of custodian wallet providers"

-4/894/23.10.2020 (Government Gazette B' 5008/13.11.2020) "Remote electronic identification of individuals by supervised by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission persons when establishing business relationships or conducting occasional transactions"

-35/586/26.5.2011 (Government Gazette B' 1428/16.6.2011) Amending Decision 1/506/8.4.2009 (Government Gazette B/834/6.5.2009) of the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Commission "Preventing use of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing"

-34/586/26.5.2011 (Government Gazette B' 1428/16.6.2011) "Apply due diligence in cases of outsourcing or agency"

-1/506/8.4.2009 "Preventing use of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing"


Circulars - Hellenic Capital Market Commission

-No 52 "Clarifications on the information of the Annual Report of Article 10 par. 2 of Decision 1/506/2009 of the Capital Market Commission regarding the prevention and suppression of money laundering and terrorist financing"

-No 49 "Identify and report to the competent authority under Article 7 of Law 3691/2008, transactions suspicion of committing fraud and/ or legalization of property derived by this transaction, and typology of suspicious and unusual transactions related to the basic offense of tax evasion (Article 77 par. 1 of law 3842/2010)"

-No 41 "Indicative typology of suspicious transactions/ money laundering activities from criminal activities and terrorist financing."


Register of Service Providers (VASPs)

- Providers of exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies

- Custodian wallet providers


Clarifications - Announcements - Reports

Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - June 2024

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action - June 2024


- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - October 2022

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action - October 2022

Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - June 2022

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action - June 2022

- EU financial regulators warn consumers on the risks of crypto-assets

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - March 2022

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action - March 2022

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - October 2021

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action - October 2021

- Second 12-month Review of the revised FATF Standards on Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - June 2021

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action - June 2021

- ESMA sees high risk for investors in non-regulated crypto assets

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - February 2021

- Registration of providers of exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies and custodian wallet providers

- Registration application of providers of exchange services between virtual currencies and fiat currencies and of custodian wallet providers in the relevant registers kept by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission according to article 6(1)(b) of law 4557/2018

- FATF removes the Bahamas from the list of Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - 18 December 2020

- Outcomes FATF Plenary - 21-23 October 2020

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - 23 October 2020

- High-risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action - 30 June 2020

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - 30 June 2020

- FATF webinars on the impact of COVID-19 on the changing risk landscape and on the detection of ML/TF (30-31.7.2020)

- Application of CDD measures by obliged persons during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)

- FATF Public Statement – 21 February 2020 on high ML/TF risk jurisdictions - subject to a call for action

- Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring - 21 February 2020

- FATF Public Statement –on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk, Paris, October 18, 2019

- FATF Public Statement – 18 October 2019 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process - 18 October 2019

- FATF - Greece - Mutual Evaluation Report - September 2019

- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the assessment of the risk of ML/TF (Supranational Risk Assessment Report) of 24 July 2019

- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the assessment of the risks of ML/TF (Supranational Risk Assessment Report) of 24 July 2019 - Annex

- FATF Public Statement – 21 June 2019 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 21 June 2019

- FATF Public Statement – 22 February 2019 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 22 February 2019

- FATF Public Statement – 19 October 2018 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 19 October 2018

- National ML/TF Risk Assessment Report - October 2018

- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the assessment of the risks of ML/TF (Supranational Risk Assessment Report) of 26 June 2017

- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the assessment of the risks of ML/TF (Supranational Risk Assessment Report) of 26 June 2017 - Annex - Part I

- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the assessment of the risks of ML/TF (Supranational Risk Assessment Report) of 26 June 2017 - Annex - Part II

- FATF Public Statement – 29 June 2018 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 29 June 2018

- FATF Public Statement – 23 February 2018 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 23 February 2018

- FATF Public Statement – 3 November 2017 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

- Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 3 November 2017

- FATF Public Statement – 23 June 2017 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 23 June 2017

-FATF Public Statement – 24 February 2017 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 24 February 2017

-FATF Public Statement – 21 October 2016 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 21 October 2016

-FATF Public Statement – 24 June 2016 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 24 June 2016

-FATF Public Statement – 19 February 2016 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 19 February 2016

-FATF Public Statement – 23 October 2015 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process 23.10.2015

-FATF Public Statement – 26 June 2015 on countries and jurisdictions with high ML/TF risk

-Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: On-going Process – FATF 26 June 2015

-FATF Public Statement on February 27, 2015 for the high risk countries and regions in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing

-Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing –FATF February 27, 2015

-Frequent weaknesses of Companies on implementing prevention procedures against money laundering and terrorist financing

-Actions of FATF on the terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and the East

- Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing –FATF 24 October, 2014

-FATF Public Statement of October 24, 2014 for the high risk countries and regions in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing

-Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing –FATF June 27, 2014

-FATF Public Statement of June 27, 2014 for the high risk countries and regions in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing

-Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing –FATF February 14, 2014

-FATF Public Statement of February 14, 2014 for the countries and regions of high risk in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing

-Third country equivalence under Directive 2005/60/EC on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing - June 2012

- Application of due diligence measures in monitoring all transactions (transaction monitoring)





Annual Report (HCMC Decision 1/506/2009 article 10)

- Annual Report Template in Excel format (according to Decision 5/820/30.5.2018 of the BoD of the HCMC)

- Guidelines for the completion and submission of the Annual Report (Hellenic Capital Market Decision 1/506/2009 article 10) (as amended by Decision 5/820/30.5.2018 of the BoD of the HCMC)


Model Reference

-Reference Model to the National Authority for Combating Money Laundering


EU Directives - Regulations - Decisions - Opinions - Guidelines

- Guidelines on the AML/CFT Compliance Officer of 14 June 2022 (EBA/GL/2022/05)

- The Risk-Based Supervision Guidelines of 16 December 2021 (EBA/GL/2021/16)

- The ML/TF Risk Factors Guidelines of 1 March 2021 (EBA/GL/2021/02)

- ESAs Joint Opinion on the risks of ML/TF affecting the European Union's financial sector of 4 October 2019 (JC2019 59)

- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/758 of 31 January 2019 (Minimum action and additional measures to be taken regarding certain third countries)

- Directive (EU) 2018/1673 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 (VI AMLD)

- Directive (EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 (V AMLD)

- ESAs Joint Opinion on the use of innovative solutions in the CDD process of 23 January 2018 (JC 2017 81)

- Guidelines on Risk Factors of 4 January 2018 (JC 2017 37)

- Regulatory Technical Standards on 3rd countries and group-wide policies and procedures of 6 December 2017 (JC 2017 25)

- Guidelines on Risk-Based Supervision of 7 April 2017 (ESAs 2016 72)

- ESAs Joint Opinion on the risks of ML/TF affecting the Union's financial sector of 20 February 2017 (JC 2017 07)

- Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 (IV AMLD)

- Council Regulation (EU) No 1263/2012 of December 21, 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran

- Council Decision 2012/829/CFSP of December 21, 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran

Council Regulation (EU) No 961/2010 of October 25, 2010

- Council Decision 2010/664/CFSP of October 25, 2010 (EU)

- Regulation (EU) No 668/2010 of July 26, 2010

Council Decision of July 26, 2010

Commission Regulation (EC) No 77/2009 of January 26, 2009

Council Decision of January 26, 2009

Council Common Position 2009/67/CFSP of January 26, 2009


FATF Guidance

- FATF Recommendations 2012 updated 2023

- FATF - Updated guidance on a risk-based approach to virtual assets and virtual asset service providers (October 2021)

- FATF - Public consultation on draft guidance on a risk-based approach to virtual assets and virtual asset service providers (March/April 2021)

- FATF - COVID-19 - related ML/TF risks and policy responses (May 2020)

- FATF Guidance on Digital Identity (March 2020)


Speeches - Presentations

- Presentation by Mr. V. Sparakis, Head of Special Unit for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC Workshop 24.11.2014)

- Presentation by Mr. V. Sparakis, Head of Special Unit for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC Workshop 12.20.2012)

- Speech by Mr. M. Mersinis, lawyer, Department of Legal Services, Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC Workshop 9.11.2010)

- Speech by Mr. V. Sparakis, Head of Special Unit for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC Workshop 9.11.2010)

- Speech by Mr. A. Vlysidis, Bank of Greece (HCMC Workshop 9.11.2010)

- Speech by Mr. V. Sparakis, Head of Special Unit for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Hellenic Capital Market Commission (HCMC Workshop SEC 29.9.2008)

For more information about the activity of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) and recommendations to prevent the use of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing, please consult:

Also, with regard to natural and legal persons or entities included in the lists of the Authority for Money Laundering, consult the website


Previous Announcements

- Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing -FATF October 18, 2013

- FATF Public Statement of October 18, 2013 for the high risk countries and regions in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing

- Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing -FATF June 21, 2013

- FATF Public Statement of June 21, 2013 for the high risk countries and regions in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing

- Results of the Plenary of FATF, Paris February 20-22, 2013

- Countries and regions facing strategic weaknesses in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing FATF October 19, 2012

- FATF press release of October 19, 2012 for high-risk countries in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing

- Results of the Plenary of FATF, Rome June 20-22, 2012

- Renewed Mandate of the FATF (2012-2020)

- New International Standards on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons

- New Recommendations of the FATF

- Countries and regions of strategic weaknesses in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing -FATF June 2012

- FATF press release of June 22, 2012 for the high risk countries and regions in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing

- Countries and areas facing strategic weaknesses in the area of ​​money laundering and terrorist financing - FATF Feb 2012

- High-risk countries in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing - FATF Feb 2012

- Public statement of the FATF for taking measures against Iran and North Korea on substantive shortcomings in the treatment of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism. For those cases, enhanced due diligence measures

- Information from the FATF on the action plans in 31 countries, with regard to shortcomings in dealing with the issue of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

- Notification of Regulation (EU) 961/2010 of October 25, 2010 concerning restrictive measures against Iran

- Measures against non-compliant countries and regions according to the statement of June 25, 2010 of the Financial Action Task Force – FATF

- Clarifications on the prevention and suppression of money laundering - Details of beneficial owner

- Clarifications on the submission of clearance from the tax authorities

- Implementation of Decision 23/404/22.11.2006

- Attempt to carry out suspicious transactions

- Identification of countries that do not sufficiently apply the FATF recommendations

- Notification list of countries with equivalent supervision

- Equivalent supervision of third countries in accordance with Directive 2005/60/EC "on the prevention of the use of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing"

- Disclosure of names of individuals and entities suspected of money laundering and/ or terrorist financing

- Communication on various updates

- Measures against countries not complying with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

- Regulation (EC) 184/2009 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban

- US economic sanctions against subsidiary companies of Iranian bank Melli

- Council Common Position 2009/116/CFSP of February 10, 2009 extending and amending Common Position 2004/133/CFSP on restrictive measures against extremists in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

- Council Common Position 2009/139/CFSP of February 16, 2009 renewing restrictive measures against the leadership of the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova

- Corrigendum to Regulation (EC) No 77/2009 of January 26, 2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 314/2004 concerning certain restrictive measures in respect of Zimbabwe